IEEE ComSoc Membership


Becoming a member of the IEEE Communications Society (IEEE ComSoc) means joining 24,000+ engineers, enthusiasts, educators, learners, leaders and collaborators around the globe to advance communications and networking technology for the betterment of humanity. As an organization, we share expertise, learn, and collaborate in an effort to solve today’s communications technology challenges, thereby creating tomorrow’s improved capabilities.

Professional Membership

Add ComSoc to an IEEE Membership.

If you are already an IEEE member, you can easily add IEEE ComSoc to your IEEE membership.
If you are not an IEEE member, join today. IEEE ComSoc Membership Dues (add-on) are just US$33. You can review the dues pricing here  as you may be eligible to apply for special discounts.


Become an Affiliate Member.

Only want to join IEEE ComSoc?  Affiliate members are only ComSoc members and are not IEEE members. This means you will not have access to any IEEE benefits that are reserved for only IEEE members, but you will have full access to ComSoc benefits. Get your IEEE ComSoc Affiliate Membership Dues for just US$109.50.


Choose Special Membership.

IEEE offers reduced dues options to members who are unemployed, retired, or meet a minimum income threshold.
Also, if you reside in a country where the per Gross National Income (GNI) is US$15,000 or less, you may be eligible for a reduced rate electronic membership for your IEEE membership only.


STUDENT Membership

Students in communication fields can accelerate their professional growth by being part of ComSoc at early stages of their careers. As a student, you can only join ComSoc by being an IEEE member first. However, students can join both IEEE and ComSoc at a discounted rate. Cost may vary based on your region of residence.  IEEE students enjoy access to an array of benefits and programs including:

  • Networking opportunities with experts, practitioners and academics in the areas of your interest.
  • Participation in local student branch, section and region activities.
  • Access to funds including travel grants, scholarships, awards, and contests planned only for students.
  • Student Chapters that let you connect with other engineering students to exchange ideas and build the skills you need to successfully transition from the classroom to your profession.
  • IEEE ComSoc Student Competition which recognizes students or teams of students who demonstrate the capacity to improve the lives of people, through the application of communication technology and the development of projects that meet the human needs of people.
  • IEEE ComSoc Summer School Program that provides the opportunity to attend lectures by international communications technology experts.

IEEE Student Membership Dues: US$16
IEEE ComSoc Student Membership Dues (add-on): US$1

Learn more about IEEE student membership


Women in Communications Engineering (WICE)

IEEE ComSoc’s WICE committee promotes the visibility and roles of women communications engineers and to provides a venue for their professional growth. Learn more about WICE.

ComSoc Young Professionals

IEEE Young Professionals (YPs) is an affinity group of members and volunteers within sections and regions who have less than 15 years from their first professional degree. It does not imply any special membership fee.

In addition to all IEEE ComSoc membership benefits, the Young Professionals within ComSoc have access to the exclusive Annual IEEE ComSoc Best Young Professional Awards and regional awards that recognize the best work on papers, abstracts, and innovations.

To join the ComSoc Young Professionals community, you need to be both an IEEE and an IEEE ComSoc member.